
















上海金畔成为日本林纯药标准品在中国独家代理 日本林纯药



日本林纯药试剂代理商 日本林纯药试剂官网






订货号 产品描述 日文名称 包装 价格()
CDFY-56078 PL2500农药GC/MS混标1 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix Ⅰ 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56079 PL2500农药GC/MS混标2 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix Ⅱ 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56080 PL2500农药GC/MS混标3 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix Ⅲ 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56081 PL2500农药GC/MS混标4 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix Ⅳ 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56082 PL2500农药GC/MS混标5 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix Ⅴ 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56083 PL2500农药GC/MS混标6 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix Ⅵ 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56084 PL2500农药GC/MS混标7 PL2005農薬GC/MS Mix 7 1.5ml×2 7500.00
CDFY-56091 PL2500农药LC/MS混标1 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix Ⅰ 1.5ml×2 5250.00
CDFY-56092 PL2500农药LC/MS混标2 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix Ⅱ 1.5ml×2 5250.00
CDFY-56093 PL2500农药LC/MS混标3 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix Ⅲ 1.5ml×2 5250.00
CDFY-56097 PL2500农药LC/MS混标4 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 4 1.5ml×2 5250.00
CDFY-56098 PL2500农药LC/MS混标5 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 5 1.5ml×2 5250.00
CDFY-56099 PL2500农药LC/MS混标6 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 6 1.5ml×2 5250.00
CDFY-56100 PL2500农药LC/MS混标7 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 7 1.5ml×2 3750.00
CDFY-56101 PL2500农药LC/MS混标8 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 8 1.5ml×2 4500.00
CDFY-56102 PL2500农药LC/MS混标9 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 9 1.5ml×2 4500.00
CDFY-56103 PL2500农药LC/MS混标10 PL2005農薬LC/MS Mix 10 1.5ml×2 4500.00


日本天野酶试剂代理商 日本天野酶试剂官网

日本关东化学官网 日本KANTO化学中国代理




qq号:2743691513 1042640511

网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
日本关东化学官网 日本KANTO化学中国代理



日本关东化学官网  日本KANTO化学中国代理



qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

关东化学株式会社是日本著名的综合试剂厂家(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 它的高质量产品(http://www.chemdrug.com/invest/)在国际上享有极高的声誉。不仅在中国国内 多年来在日本国内、亚洲地区、美国、欧洲等地都深受厚爱。为了保证所有试剂产品的质量 关东化学株式会社的全工厂都取得了ISO 9001和ISO/IEC 17025质量管理体系认证 建立了严格的品质管理体系。1998年 全工厂又在日本试剂行业中率先取得了ISO 14001环境管理体系认证。关东化学株式会社不仅是一家拥有先端技术的生产企业(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 也是一家重视环境安全以及人类社会健康(http://www.chemdrug.com/article/7/)和谐的可信赖企业。

无论是一般试剂还是特殊试剂、从零售到大量批发 我公司都会竭尽全力地为您提供优质服务、满足您的需求。

日本关东试剂 日本关东化学 日本关东化学株式 关东化学 关东化学株式会社 化学试剂

qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
Email:sales@jinpanbio.comwww.boykyo.com   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管官网 www.boykyo.com.cn    卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管中文网站 www.boykoy.cn   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管博客 上海金畔同时代理日本日水培养基系列 在生命科学领域,康宁为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药(http://www.chemdrug.com/)生产研发的产品。庆祝上海金畔生物正式成为Nissui(日水)培养基的签约代理商,在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对上海金畔生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Nissui(日水)培养基高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询(http://www.chemdrug.com/)。 Nissui日水代理,Nissui日水上海代理,Nissui日水北京代理,Nissui日水广州代理,Nissui日水总代理,Nissui日水一级代理,Nissui日水特约代理,Nissui日水上海金畔生物科技有限公司Nissui日水专业代理。


产品名称 产品货号 规格 品牌商标 货号
Eagle’s MEM ① 680 500g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)680
EEM肉汤EEM Broth 5002 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5002
亚硒酸盐肉汤亮绿琼脂基础培养基SBG Broth base 5006 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5006
亚硒酸盐胱氨酸基础培养基Selenite Cystine Broth base 5009 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5009
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5020 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5020
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5021 4L(240g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5021
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5024 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5024
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5025 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5025
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5032 280g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5032
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5033 20L(70g×20) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5033
麦康凯琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Agar 5036 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5036
胆硫乳琼脂(DHL琼脂)(颗粒)DHL Agar 5040 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5040
甘露醇赖氨酸结晶紫煌绿(MLCB)琼脂培养基MLCB Agar 5041 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5041
溴百里酚蓝乳糖琼脂BTB Lactose Agar 5042 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5042
三糖铁琼脂(TSI)(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)TSI Agar 5103 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5103
LIM培养基(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)LIM Medium 5104 60g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5104
SIM培养基SIM Medium 5106 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5106
葡萄糖磷酸盐胨水(VP-MR培养基)VP-MR Medium 5107 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5107
西蒙氏枸橼酸盐琼脂(SC培养基)Simmons Citrate Agar 5111 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5111
MSRV培养基Rappaport-Vassiliadis Broth(RV) 5130 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5130
缓冲蛋白胨水Buffered Peptone Water(BPW) 5131 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5131
四硫磺酸盐煌绿增菌液基础培养基(TT)Tetrathionate Broth(TT) 5132 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5132
X-SAL琼脂培养基X-SAL Agar 5133 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5133
X-VP琼脂培养基X-VP Agar 5135 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5135
DNA琼脂培养基DNA Agar 5148 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5148
BC试验(http://www.chemdrug.com/sell/24/)VP培养基BC Test VP Medium 5154 50条 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5154
细胞色素氧化酶试验用滤纸Cytochrome Oxidase Test Strip 5180 15枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5180
ONPG平板ONPG Disk 5182 50枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5182
弧菌琼脂培养基Vibrio Agar 5201 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5201
硫代硫酸盐柠檬酸胆眼蔗糖(TCBS)琼脂培养基Thiosulfate citrate bile Saccharose Agar 5204 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5204
碱性蛋白胨水Alkaline Peptone Water 5206 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5206
多粘菌素甘露糖亚硒酸盐(PMT)琼脂基础培养基PMT Agar base 5208 240g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5208
氯化钠多粘菌素肉汤培养基Salt Polymyxin Broth 5215 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5215
NAC琼脂培养基NAC Agar 5220 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5220
十六烷基三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基Cetrimide Agar 5221 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5221
葡萄球菌培养基No.110(颗粒)Staphylococcus Medium No.110 5234 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5234
甘露醇氯化钠培养基Mannitol Salt Agar 5236 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5236
氯化钠卵黄琼脂基础培养基Salt Egg Yolk Agar base 5238 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5238
苯乙醇琼脂培养基PEA Agar 5246 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5246
NGKG琼脂基础培养基(颗粒)NGKG Agar base 5282 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5282
CW琼脂基础培养基(不含卡那霉素)CW Agar base without KM 5401 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5401
CW琼脂基础培养基(含有卡那霉素)CW Agar base with KM 5403 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5403
干燥产气荚膜梭菌A型抗毒素滤纸C.perfringens Differentiation Strip 5406 15张 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5406
梭菌计数琼脂培养基Clostridia Count Agar 5409 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5409
GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar 5420 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5420
GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth 5422 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5422
GAM半流动顶层培养基GAM Semisolid 5424 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5424
改良GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar, Modified 5426 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5426
BL琼脂培养基BL Agar 5430 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5430
改良GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth, Modified 5433 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5433
类杆菌(拟杆菌)培养基Bacteroides Agar 5440 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5440
改良FM琼脂培养基FM Agar, Modified 5441 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5441
GAM琼脂培养基(含庆大霉素)GAM Agar with GM 5450 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5450
GAM半流动培养基(不含葡萄糖)GAM Semisolid without Dextrose 5460 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5460
心脏浸液琼脂培养基(颗粒)Heart Infusion Agar 5503 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5503
心脏浸液肉汤培养基Heart Infusion Broth 5505 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5505
脑心浸萃琼脂培养基Brain Heart Infusion Agar 5506 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5506
脑心浸萃肉汤培养基Brain Heart Infusion Broth 5508 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5508
营养肉汤培养基Nutrient Broth 5511 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5511
营养琼脂培养基Nutrient Agar 5514 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5514
胰蛋白胨大豆琼脂培养基Trypto-Soya Agar (SCD Agar) 5516 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5516
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤培养基Trypto-Soya Broth (SCD Broth) 5517 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5517
改良TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator, Fluid 5520 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5520
多尔塞特卵培养基Dorset Egg Medium 5522 100支 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5522
CLED琼脂培养基CLED Agar 5527 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5527
缓冲氯化钠蛋白胨溶液(PH7.0)Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution (PH7.0) 5528 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5528
药敏平板琼脂-NSensitivity Disk Agar-N 5530 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5530
MH琼脂培养基-NMueller-Hinton Agar-N 5533 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5533
药敏测定肉汤Sensitivity Test Broth 5534 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5534
TGC培养基,液体(颗粒)TGC Medium, Fluid 5601 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5601
葡萄糖蛋白胨肉汤培养基Dextrose Peptone Broth 5602 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5602
BLB培养基(颗粒)Blue Light Broth 5607 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5607
TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator,Liquid 5610 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5610
标准方法琼脂培养基(颗粒)Standard Method Agar(SPC: Standard Plate Count) 5618 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5618
平板计数琼脂含BCPPlate Count Agar with BCP 5622 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5622
CVT琼脂培养基CVT Agar 5625 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5625
改良TGC培养基TGC Medium 5629 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5629
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5632 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5632
乳糖肉汤培养基(颗粒)Lactose Broth 5634 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5634
脱氧胆酸盐琼脂培养基(颗粒)Desoxycholate Agar 5636 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5636
煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤(颗粒)BGLB Broth 5638 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5638
月桂基硫酸盐MUG肉汤培养基Lauryl Sulfate MUG Broth 5639 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5639
X-GAL琼脂培养基X-GAL Agar 5642 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5642
麦康凯山梨糖醇琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Sorbitol Agar 5643 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5643
伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB琼脂)EMB Agar 5644 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5644
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5647 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5647
EC肉汤培养基EC Broth 5648 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5648
5649 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5649
EF琼脂基础培养基EF Agar base 5679 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5679
AC肉汤基础培养基AC Broth base 5680 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5680
沙氏琼脂培养基(颗粒)Sabouraud Agar 5701 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5701
玉米粉琼脂培养基Corn Meal Agar 5702 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5702
念珠菌属GE琼脂培养基Candida GE Agar 5703 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5703
察氏培养基Czapek Dox Agar 5705 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5705
麦芽汁琼脂培养基Malt Agar 5706 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5706
马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(颗粒)Potato Dextrose Agar 5709 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5709
乳酸菌琼脂培养基培养Lactobacilli Culture Agar 5800 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5800
乳酸菌接种肉汤Lactobacilli Inoculum Broth 5801 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5801
Eagle’s MEM ① 5900 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5900
Eagle’s MEM ② 5901 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5901
Eagle’s MEM ③ 5902 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5902
Hanks’ Solution ① 5905 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5905
Hanks’ Solution ② 5906 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5906
谷氨酰胺(细胞培养用)Glutamine 5908 0.3g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5908
Medium 199 5909 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5909
Ham’s F12 Medium 5910 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5910
RPMI 1640 Medium① 5911 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5911
Dulbecco’s PBS(-) 5913 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5913
DMEM ① 5915 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5915
RPMI 1640 Medium② 5918 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5918
DMEM ② 5919 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5919
SFM-101 5963 基础12.5g*1,添加物A 10ml*1,添加物B 10ml*1 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5963
ES Medium 5971 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5971
Uro medium 6200 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6200
diaslide 6204 20份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6204
diaslide 6205 120份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6205
弯曲菌选择剂Campylobacter Antibiotic Supplement Butzler 6223 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6223
qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

甘油检测试剂盒 K-GCROL 70 assays (manual) / 700 assays (microplate)

英文名:Glycerol Assay Kit
规格:70 assays (manual) / 700 assays (microplate)
市场价: 1808元



The Glycerol test kit is a simple, reliable, rapid and accurate method for the measurement and analysis of Glycerol in beverages, foodstuffs and other materials.
Suitable for manual and microplate formats.

UV-method for the determination of Glycerol in foodstuffs,
beverages and other materials

(1) Glycerol + ATP → L-glycerol-3-phosphate + ADP

(pyruvate kinase)
(2) ADP + PEP → ATP + pyruvate

(L-lactate dehydrogenase)
(3) Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → L-lactic acid + NAD+

Kit size: 70 assays (manual) / 700 (microplate)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 5 min
Detection limit: 0.34 mg/L
Application examples:
Wine (and grape juice), beer, spirits, vinegar, marzipan, fruit juices,
soft drinks, toothpaste, honey, tobacco, paper (and cardboard),
cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soap and other materials (e.g. biological
cultures, samples, etc.)
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by OIV and


  • Novel tablet format for increased stability
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years as supplied
  • Very rapid reaction
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included
  • Suitable for manual and microplate formats


 Q1. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
  2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme (cs@megazyme.com). Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
  3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
  4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
  5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
  6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

Q2. Is K-GCROL specific for glycerol?

K-GCROL is highly specific for glycerol.
Some compounds that are known not to react or interfere with the assay include:
Polyethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol
Propylene glycol

Q3. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?

Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.

Q4. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q5. Is the Glycerol Assay Kit (K-GCROL) suitable for measurement using cell culture media samples?

Yes, assuming that the concentration of the analyte in the sample (after sample preparation) is above the limit of detection for the kit.  It may be sufficient to use the sample directly in the assay after clarification by centrifugation / filtering followed, by dilution (if required) in distilled water.

Q6. Can the test kit be used to measure biological fluids and what sample preparation method should be used?

The kit assay may work for biological fluids assuming that inositol is present above the limit of detection for the kit after any sample preparation (if required). Centrifugation of the samples and use of the supernatant directly in the kit assay (with appropriate dilution in distilled water) may be sufficient. However, if required a more stringent sample preparation method may be required and examples are provided at the following link:http://www.megazyme.com/docs/analytical-applications-downloads/biological_samples_111109.pdf?sfvrsn=2

The test kit has not been tested using biological fluids as samples because it is not marketed or registered as a medical device. This will therefore require your own validation.

Q7. Can the manual assay format be scaled down to a 96-well microplate format?

The majority of the Megazyme test kits are developed to work in cuvettes using the manual assay format, however the assay can be converted for use in a 96-well microplate format. To do this the assay volumes for the manual cuvette format are reduced by 10-fold. The calculation of results for the manual assay format uses a 1 cm path-length, however the path-length in the microplate is not 1 cm and therefore the MegaCalc spreadsheet or the calculation provided in the kit booklet for the manual format cannot be used for the micropalate format unless the microplate reader being used can.

There a 3 main methods for calculation of results using the microplate format:

  1. The easiest method is to use a microplate reader that has a path-length conversion capability (i.e. the microplater reader can detect the path-length of each well and convert the individual readings to a 1 cm path-length). This will allow values to be calculated using the MegaCalc calculation software which can be found where the product is located on the Megazyme website.
  2. Perform a standard curve of the analyte on each microplate that contains test samples and calculate the result of the test samples from the calibration curve (concentration of analyte versus absorbance).
  3. Perform a standard curve of the analyte in both the cuvette format (i.e. with a 1 cm path-length) and the 96-well microplate format and use these results to obtain a mean conversion factor between the cuvette values and the microplate values. Subsequent assays in the microplate format can then be converted from the calculated conversion factor.

Q8. How can I work out how much sample to extract and what dilution of my sample should be used in the kit assay?

Where the amount of analyte in a liquid sample is unknown, it is recommended that a range of sample dilutions are prepared with the aim of obtaining an absorbance change in the assay that is within the linear range.
Where solid samples are analysed, the weight of sample per volume of water used for sample extraction/preparation can be altered to suit, as can the dilution of the extracted sample prior to the addition of the assay, as per liquid samples.

Q9. The pH of my sample is low (pH ~ 3.0), do I need to adjust this before I use the sample in the kit assay?

The final pH of the kit assay after the sample is added should not change from what it should be (as stated in the kit for the assay buffer). If it does change then the sample will require pH adjustment. In most cases the sample volume being used is low relative to the final assay volume and in this case the pH of the kit assay is unlikely to be affected.

Q10. Can you explain, step by step, how to follow the method and perform the kit assay?

For users who are not familiar with how to use the Megazyme tests kits then it is recommended that they follow this example, e.g. D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay kit K-FRUGL (http://secure.megazyme.com/D-Fructose-D-Glucose-Assay-Kit):

1. The kit components are listed on pages 2-3 of the kit booklet.
2. Prepare the kit reagents as described on page 3.
3. For separate measurements of glucose and fructose follow procedure A on page 4.
4. Pipette the volumes listed for water, sample, solution 1 and solution 2 into 3 mL, 1 cm pathlength cuvettes. Duplicate sample assays and duplicate blanks are recommended. Mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion (seal the cuvette using parafilm or a plastic cuvette cap – do not use a finger) then after ~3 min record the first absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A1).
5. Then add suspension 3 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then record the absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A2). NB. It is essential that the reaction is compete. To assess this, record the absorbances at ~ 2 minute intervals and until the absorbance plateaus. A stable absorbance indicates that the reaction is complete. If the absorbance continues to increase then continue to record absorbances until it plateaus and only then record absorbance reading A2.
6. Then add suspension 4 and mix the contents of each cuvette by inversion. Incubate for 5 minutes then take absorbance reading of each cuvette at 340 nm (this is reading A3). NB. As above, assess that the reaction has completed by take subsequent readings at ~2 min intervals.
7. For simple, automated results analysis, input the absorbance readings (A1, A2, A3) for samples and blanks into the K-FRUGL MegaCalc.

To ensure that the assay is working, and being performed correctly it is recommend that the test is performed using the standard sample that is provided with the kit and to obtain the expected values before proceeding to test real samples.
It is recommend that new users also watch this video which highlights how to perform the assays.
Many of the other Megazyme test kits follow a similar format.

Q11. I have some doubts about the appearance/quality of a kit component what should be done?

If there are any concerns with any kit components, the first thing to do is to test the standard sample (control sample) that is supplied with the kit and ensure that the expected value (within the accepted variation) is obtained before testing any precious samples. This must be done using the procedure provided in the kit booklet without any modifications to the procedure. If there are still doubts about the results using the standard sample in the kit then send example results in the MegaCalc spread sheet to your product supplier (Megazyme or your local Megazyme distributor).

Q12. How much sample should be used for the clarification/extraction of my sample?

The volume/weight of sample and total volume of the extract can be modified to suit the sample. This will ultimately be dictated by the amount of analyte of interest in the sample and may require empirical determination. For low levels of analyte the sample:extract volume ratio can be increased (i.e. increase the sample and/or decrease the total extraction volume).

Alternatively, for samples with low concentrations of analyte, a larger sample volume can be added to the kit assay. When altering the sample volume adjust the distilled water volume added to the assay accordingly so that the total assay volume is not altered.

Q13. Can the sensitivity of the kit assay be increased?

For samples with low concentrations of analyte the sample volume used in the kit assay can be increased to increase sensitivity. When doing this the water volume is adjusted to retain the same final assay volume. This is critical for the manual assay format because the assay volume and sample volume are used in the calculation of results.

Q14. When using this kit for quantitative analysis what level of accuracy and repeatability can be expected?

The test kit is extremely accurate – at Megazyme the quality control criteria for accuracy and repeatability is to be within 2% of the expected value using pure analytes.

However, the level of accuracy is obviously analyst and sample dependent.

Q15. Is it possible to add a larger volume then 2 μL of enzyme to the microplate assay? In some instances 2 μL can be difficult to pipette manually.

Yes, instead of adding 2 μL of enzyme suspension an alternative is to dilute the enzyme and add a larger volume to the microplate assay.

Dilute the assay buffer 10-fold with distilled water and use this as the diluent to dilute an aliquot of the enzyme suspension also by 10-fold. Instead of 2 μL, use 20 μL of the diluted enzyme in the microplate assay.

Q16. To measure fermentation samples contain high microbial cell density, is cell disruption required?

Cell disruption is only require to measure glycerol within microbial cells.

To measure glycerol in the extracellular media only then cell disruption is not required and centrifugation of the sample may be sufficient, e.g.:

(a) Determination of glycerol in cell culture media/supernatants. In general, the concentration of glycerol in cell culture media/supernatants can be determined without any sample treatment (except clarification by centrifugation/filtering or dilution according to the dilution table, if necessary). Typically, no clarification or dilution is required, and a sample volume of 0.1 mL is satisfactory.

If interference is suspected then sample clarification/deproteinisation using carrez reagents or perchloric acid should be used (methods are provided in the kit booklet).

膳食纤维控粉总量检测试剂盒 K-TDFC Total Dietary Fibre Control Flours Kit


英文名:Total Dietary Fibre Control Flours Kit


规格:Sufficient for 6 Controls

市场价: 3472


For use with the Total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit.
Contains barley ß-glucan, high amylose maize starch, wheat starch, casein, pectin and larch galactan. Wheat arabinoxylan is available on request. Content: Sufficient for 10 assays


动物福利玩具Mouse Igloo®小鼠拱形园顶小屋

Mouse Igloo® 小鼠拱形园顶小屋
产品名称 Mouse Igloo® 小鼠拱形园顶小屋
材质 聚碳酸酯
颜色 琥珀色,蓝色, 红色
高压蒸汽灭菌 合适
工厂 Bio-Serv
尺寸 标准小屋:  10.8 cm 径 x 5.8 cm 高, 3个洞小屋: 3.3 cm 宽 x 4.2 cm 高
特点 超透明素材,观察动物情况非常清晰。 提供动物避难所和为舒适的营巢空间,对促进繁殖效果最好。 合适各式饲养笼的大小。 
销售单位 50

日本进口动物安全标记笔Animal Marker

日本进口动物安全标记笔Animal Marker

动物安全标记笔Animal Marker


动物安全标记笔Animal Marker :

CatNo. 蓝 绿 红 黄 橙
容量  AM15:15 ml
包装数量 1盒:10支装 (各2支 / 色  可自由配色)








上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供5202一次性小鼠灌胃针 M340444


5202一次性小鼠灌胃针 M340444 详情

日本进口Ptfe软管材质 一次性小鼠灌胃针

货号 规格 针长 针头 外径*内径 针基色 销售单位
5200S 小鼠用 30 1.9 0.90*0.50 250支(5支/小包)箱
5200 小鼠用 38 1.9 0.90*0.50
5202SS 小鼠用 25 2.0 1.18*0.68
5202S 小鼠用 30 2.0 1.18*0.68
5202 小鼠用 38 2.0 1.18*0.68
5204 大鼠用 52 2.8 1.79*1.19
5206 大鼠用 78 2.8 1.79*1.19







qq号:2743691513 1042640511

网 址: www.jinpanbio.com


更多 www.jinpanbio.com.cn  www.utopbio.com


上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供5202一次性小鼠灌胃针 M340444


5202一次性小鼠灌胃针 M340444 详情

日本进口Ptfe软管材质 一次性小鼠灌胃针

货号 规格 针长 针头 外径*内径 针基色 销售单位
5200S 小鼠用 30 1.9 0.90*0.50 250支(5支/小包)箱
5200 小鼠用 38 1.9 0.90*0.50
5202SS 小鼠用 25 2.0 1.18*0.68
5202S 小鼠用 30 2.0 1.18*0.68
5202 小鼠用 38 2.0 1.18*0.68
5204 大鼠用 52 2.8 1.79*1.19
5206 大鼠用 78 2.8 1.79*1.19






动物安全标记笔Animal Marker


动物安全标记笔Animal Marker :

CatNo. 蓝 绿 红 黄 橙
容量  AM15:15 ml
包装数量 1盒:10支装 (各2支 / 色  可自由配色)








qq号:2743691513 1042640511

网 址: www.jinpanbio.com


更多 www.jinpanbio.com.cn  www.utopbio.com